I know I havent posted online in a while but let me Give a FULL 411.
As you know I've been doing Shows and Graduated from College. No? Oh, yeah, Im a Grad now baby! Guess, Ive been too busy working to even brag or celebrate it in a Major way yet. I guess its just now setting in and I've decided to go to Law School. Its NOT a game over here.
Life has a wierd way of placing things right in your lap when the space is given. I've had some burdens and 2011 didnt come without its Bad News...like : what the heck am I going to do with all this free time? Nothing like an economic meltdown to make the most well to do person feel like a nobody. Chicks dont want no "unemployed" guy, they may be jobless themselves but being "between jobs" actualy means you have jobs to "be between. Yeah, the networking events feel like dating.

Thanks to AmeriCorps and NY Service I can put my skills to use, meet people and build on ME. Damn, I love New York City. However, its not all fun and games. I've been taking up my free time with volunteering. In these times when no one has a job, the best thing to do (besides selling drugs or your body) is to sell your time. TimebanksNYC and NY Cares are great ways to just be active, build your resume, meet new people and add some new hobbies to your life that you wouldnt have heard about from your friends.
Ever since I did my "30 Days Without Google" Experiment, I learned something... "Occupy LIFE". Yeah... I started the Occupy Movement early #ShrugLife but its just like Occupy Wall St. If you dont like the way that things are going, you have to get out there. I, for example, went to every person I knew and asked them how they got there job, i search for jobs on site I never heard of, and i paid attention to my surroundings. You never know when a old name/topic my come up again and give you an IN.
Never take a WIN for granted and Never Take a Loss to Heart. My former client Ken Wydro, Broadway Producer, told me after my break up : Life makes room for big things. I know I'm blessed to be where and how I am but its never too late to have a change in mindset.
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