Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Online Dating, Seriously?

Being single in the greatest city is gift...and a Curse. but online dating well that's the punch line of the joke. Since the social activities has become exclusive to small social circles and lack of funds, dating offline has become strained and harder to do in the city that never sleeps. Which can only lead to one thing, boredom.

Over the recent years, online went from a popular place to find love quickly to a cheap "look at me" fling site. Now alot of people have flooded into the online world to only write on their profile "just passing through" or "not looking for a relationship". I mean, why are you there then? Just another way to look at each other in glass closets if you ask me.

One girl said " I put myself out there, but not really..." its like an "in case of emergency, break glass". What do you think? Is it a serious thing or does a cute pic and nice ice breaker really work online?

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