Friday, April 29, 2011

Turn it up!!! But will People tune in

May 5th 2011 will be the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the choice radio station and "Voice of Harlem" WHCR 90.3fm. Now WHCR has a low listenership rating but is hoping to hold several events at City College in hopes of raising awareness and driving listenership up on that day. Although this is perfect timing and very thoughtfully planned, social media will be one of the work horse tools being used here.

Now blogging, tweeting and facebooking has done its share of promotion in the past for other organization, but this is Radio. Turning it up for one day doesn't guarantee that the people will stay tuned in. The Real problem is Access vs Content. If its the lack of access or awareness of the access that is the problem, then the event will be effective and all the digital media will pay off 100%.

%. On the other hand, if the problem is content, then you don't have a advertising problem, you need quality control.

For any business and/or public figures, that last thing a poor brand needs is good Advertising, because then we'll know it sucks but that it has failed to deliver on whatever that brand promise was. So here are 3 ways to fix it:

1. Fix your content- make it relevant, consistent and readily available

2. Get online and connect- the internet should really be used to share and enrich what you have. not to create it.

3. Critic and Go- make the changes needed in order to remain on top of what makes you different. Sometimes you need to know when to listen to your critics, they may be right.

%. On the other hand, if the problem is content, then you don't have a advertising problem, you need quality control.

For any business and/or public figures, that last thing a poor brand needs is good Advertising, because then we'll know it sucks but that it has failed to deliver on whatever that brand promise was. So here are 3 ways to fix it:

1. Fix your content- make it relevant, consistent and readily available

2. Get online and connect- the internet should really be used to share and enrich what you have. not to create it.

3. Critic and Go- make the changes needed in order to remain on top of what makes you different. Sometimes you need to know when to listen to your critics, they may be right.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Online Dating, Seriously?

Being single in the greatest city is gift...and a Curse. but online dating well that's the punch line of the joke. Since the social activities has become exclusive to small social circles and lack of funds, dating offline has become strained and harder to do in the city that never sleeps. Which can only lead to one thing, boredom.

Over the recent years, online went from a popular place to find love quickly to a cheap "look at me" fling site. Now alot of people have flooded into the online world to only write on their profile "just passing through" or "not looking for a relationship". I mean, why are you there then? Just another way to look at each other in glass closets if you ask me.

One girl said " I put myself out there, but not really..." its like an "in case of emergency, break glass". What do you think? Is it a serious thing or does a cute pic and nice ice breaker really work online?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pressure to be Cool Online

Unfortunately the internet has made life REALLY simple, in fact so simple that people feel that are being Boring. With the recent development of "check-in" apps like "FourSquare" and "Food spotter" and having the option to share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc... some may notice that aren't doing enough. With millions of people rushing to a pc, laptop and pda to access the internet its clear that there is more going on online than off it.

While at Starbucks I overheard two men conversing about the pressure that some people feel to be interesting because of the internet. One guy said "they say they never get invited out" but do you really need an invitation? Is there such a thing as internet peer pressure? That sort of thing is self imposed and a little insecure in my opinion. In addition there are those folks who don't in go online to certain sites because they fear what people might assume. Even to say they dont want to go on Twitter and "be a Follower".

I personally can admit to having checked-in, shared and tweeted an experience more than a few times. Offline I feel like a lonely loner so I keep myself busy but online it must look like I'm having a grand ole time. Looks can be deceiving, especially online. Do not feel pressured to be "interesting" if you dont have an active online social life. However, you should enrich the relationships and expand your network with the internet, not replace it. So log-on , plan a meet up, and practice those active engaging skills or put your self in a mindset that is open to meet new people. Then tweet about it. What do you think, is it all mental or are people not going far enough to be a "cool" as they truly?