Friday, February 18, 2011

30 Days w/o Googling it: Day 18

The world is very small and technology has made it even smaller. Innovation has never stopped us from making new discoveries atop the many accomplishments we've made thus far. but over the past couple of days, I've been to libraries, meet-up discussions, and presentations, all leading up to one thing... There is no guardrail to protect us and guide us to effectively use all this new technology.

We all have the same amount of hours in the day as the great Leonardo Da Vinci, Shakespeare and even Oprah. Why havent we accomplished as great of an accolade as those who didnt have the technological pathways we have now when they 1st started? All these things were suppose to make our lives easier and free up all the mental space that could be used on other things like more studying, self-awareness/improvement, or building better personal relationships. Instead we have just given out all our needed data for computers to process. The sad part is, its not like its an overwhelming amount of data. Dont believe me? Turn off your smartphone; now tell me how many numbers you know by heart. Myself included, its a little embarrassing. We're all not CEO's, Doctors, Lawyers, or even College Professors, so what are we using our brains for?

"When's the last time you went to the library or bookstore? Internet scholarship can only take you so far." a friend
We've forgotten how to multi-task, time management is a struggle and even dating has become digital due the lack of face-to-face, in comparison to face-to-screen. I'd hate to have to video chat for the rest of my life but by the looks of it may come to that. (So every comestically challenged person is screwed) no one wants to look at a ugly phone, more so a ugly person. (so dont raise the nose at me) I believe that instead of breaking down walls, we've built them up. Increasing our xenophobia and superficial characteristics to the point where we have all become very predictable statistics.

The problem isnt websites like Google and Facebook, its how we use them and who uses them and their collected data/statistics of us to interact or avoid us. (If you know what SEO and BCC is then you understand) but there may be a light at the end of this tunnel vision... Allow me to introduce WATSON

Watson, the IBM super computer that was on Jeopardy this past week, is the...well... idk. To IBM and other intellectuals see Watson as the future for processing multiple megatons of data in matter of seconds for the medicine and other thing. I saw Watson on jeopardy and was impressed, then horrified, then questioned "what if learns how to NOT shut down?". It was a great achievement to see Watson beat Jeopardy's record breaking champions Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter. In short, Watson Won a 3day battle effortlessly, IBM gave the money to charity and now you Can Play Watson in online game to see how he Plays Jeopardy--> HERE . (Mind you, Watson has gotten some answers incorrect)

I cant get into the specifics of how Waston works but IBM has made some great videos to explain.

After the recent win of Watson, here comes GOOGLE... some ask

Could Google Play Jeopardy Like IBM’s Watson?'s in the works. Watson already knows how to play jeopardy, speak common english, understands slang/context clues and reasons with confidence (percentage) of his answers. Now if Google figures out a way to out play Watson... say hello Sky-Net, Matrix, i-Robot...sheeeeit even Wall-E!! *side eye*

yeah I said it, think about it...better yet Google it

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