Friday, February 11, 2011

30 Days w/o Googling it: Day 11

"11 Days have passed and I dont think Imma make it"

Those words will be the last thing that I'll say because I didn't begin this journey blindly. I made sure I got all the News apps and E-Subscriptions to blogs and News sites. I even have been turning this into my own independent study but I've often found my self saying "Crap I cant google it?!". Its almost as if apart of my brain is reserved just for Googling questions. So I've made a list of all the things in the past couple of days that I would have googled.

Things I stopped myself from Googling

  • Is there a medical condition that makes your face look like Botox Gone wrong?
  • J Walter Thomas?
  • Super Bowl Ads
  • Google Goggles
  • Applied entropy
  • How much rubber do you accidentally ingest at Chipotle?
  • Who's black lady on Saturday night live? and...
  • Pictures of Luxury
Then it hit me. Where is the Priority of my need for this information? Everything has become so on demand; the only importance is that I want what I want NOW.

Companies know this, but they wont make you none the wiser if they can Capitalize off of your internet dependence. In the recent my research I found that (according to Quantcast) The TOP 3 internet Websites are
Did you Know :
YouTube: 91.5 Million Visitors Per Month
Largest demographic is 18 - 34 (35%)
Next largest: 35 - 49 (24%)
Third largest: 13 - 17 (19%)

Flickr: A top photo-sharing site: 2 Million Visitors
Largest demographic:

Wikipedia: 76 Million Vistors


146 Million (Per Quantcast)

Most visited site in America

And Im not even getting in to the money that's being made. But if you really want to know how big this REALLY is, Nokia and Microsoft have teamed up (made an actual pact) to take on Google and Apple. You see, they've projected that 3/4th of America in the next 3 yrs will have a mobile device, that means more money and more information they have to collect to stay relevant and connected to YOU. So...They stress the importance of Social Media (to connect and collect data).

Now, I've been using twitter to Network with all sorts of people and its NOT powered by Google...BUT according to the article I read "Are Google and Facebook trying to buy Twitter?" it might happen.

Maybe the folks from my last post were right, I cant run. But I will HIDE in the Library.

Maybe, this is all for nothing, or maybe I need to get laid? IDK Google it.

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