So...what happened to me in my 1st week without googling my answers? I can honestly say, my awareness has come up a little more.
Along the way I've been having very interesting conversations ie; Google powers over 60% of all search engines on websites, Google is suing bing for copying their search results, and the mixed feelings Walmart is giving New Yorkers. All random info that sprung from conversations with people. Since I am not searching online for the answers, I was more intrigued.
The US and NY local news media doesnt give you all the up-to-date news until it is already a problem. Google would be a great place to find more breaking news but I forgot how many activist friends I had; while I was online, they were in the streets handing out pamphlets. I learned about the certain details about the problems in Cairo. For a few days they shut down the internet (no fb or twitter access) and shut down blackberry service. I asked myself what if they shut down internet in the US and how would they do that?
So far all the problems that I've run into are not as a result of not using Google. Half of the anwsers that i wanted to search for were of pure laziness. I caught myself asking: what the website for UPS? and Whats the number for Dominoes?... shameful. But if we could pull up half the things people google, my walk of shame wouldn't be so lonely. however, a lot of people have told me that they cannot live without Google, they admit they wish that they didnt rely on. A few even think that Google is "inescapable" and "slowly taking over the world".
With rockmail, google goggles, etc... they just might buy Disney soon. ( 2012??)
The Rules still apply. I'll still use my twitter feed, news feed apps and peer-to-peer conversations but just wont google anything or use any web generated answers.
Final thoughts: Am I taking myself out of the Digital box or putting myself into a primitive one? Google it.