Sunday, March 27, 2011

FourSquare: No Longer a Game

What is FourSquare? Well "Four Square" is played with a rubber playground ball on a square court with four players. When the ball is bounced into your square you must then bounce it back out without hitting twice in your own square, otherwise you are out. The object is to eliminate players in higher squares so that you can make it to the 'four square' and score the most points. Well how does that relate to the actual new "FourSquare" check-in social media Application tool? Well, Let say you download the app and you go too "The Apple Store". You would let the geo-tag in the app kick in and then you check into the location on the Device. This gives you points, in which, every week you would try to get more points than your friends by visiting new places constantly...Problem? Everyone would know where you are, but they have privacy settings...I suppose, but only if you arent the company that uses this information to track consumer activity. As an Artist, if I have a show and I check into the event venue in my app, it gives me more than credibility but advertising. This is due to the linking of the app to the Twitter and Facebook client, so I can share my check-ins, badges and Mayorships. There's only one small problem. If you dont have wifi or a Smart phone that has these apps, it really doesnt matter. I've had the app for 1 year now and they've done away with the Point system, which really gave you nothing but braging rights, along with the badges. Badges are given to you by the app if you check-in a place that has over 50+ ofther check-ins there and are "unNecessary" stuff. However. you can become Mayor of a place by having a majority of mutltiple chekings out of others, this does have its perks from free drinks to discounts. But do to the Recent updates to the program, thats the only thing the app is now good for, trying to become mayor. My only problem with FourSquare is that its not a game and they've updated it to where you cant see the points nor can you just have it. It only works on a Mobile device or Smart phone. Which requires you to have a net/data coverage. Times are hard and checking-in is not a priority when there is soo much in the world going on. I dont think this app is going to last longer than Myspace did, but it was fun while it lasted. Or will it stay forever?

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