Monday, March 28, 2011

Facebook...what is it?

I remember all the imaginary perks of going to College like dating sexy girls, crazy hookey adventures and Toga Parties. Surprisingly enough, the toga party is the only thing that held true, because the sexy girls were the nerdy girls from high school (they were in my Friend Zone, ha!)Then I found Facebook, the ultimate bragging right for a high school grad. A chance to say what you over the summer without saying anything at all. That exclusivity no longer exists because now its open to everyone. But what is it now?

Companies have fan pages, cliques and causes have groups, there are even game applications for the average facebooker to play. Still, what is it? Social Networking only works when you are networking. Look at Myspace, on the East Coast, thats dying if it isnt already dead. In my opinion, advertising killed myspace. Too much to look at, very little content and information, in fact, when there was alot of words outside of "Bio" and "Blog" section it wasnt very attractive. So When Facebook came to be and gave details without gimmicks everyone wanted to be apart of the "country club" of the internet. Now it feels more like the local sports bar, where everyone knows your name. But where does someone with no friends get to fit-in in a place like this? This is a problem for new business and performers with the "Fan page" feature.

Here's a joke I read online : "The Facebook news feed is my only source for news... Forget Libya, have you heard that my friend Eric Kemp is in a relationship? " Some folks barely care for the news, much less, your failed attempt at a viral video of you doing an awesome Drum cover to a Beetles Song. People will now only what comes on the news feed that has their friends attached to it. Solution...Get a friend to tell a friend. But how do you find an online influencer without becoming a Stalker? News Feed Optimization!!!! Kinda like Search Engine Optimization.

Facebook always was a place for me to say every and anything without saying anything at all. Only way people knew what I did was either via News Feed or they went on my page. News feed Optimisation is the only choice you have if no one want to go to your page ( maybe because there isnt a relationship status) and engage.

So here are 4 easy to use strategies that can help your posts be seen in the News Feed that I read:

1. Ask Questions! Make them fun, topical, relevant, and easy to answer. Remember, your fans want to be entertained and talk about themselves, so give them what they want!

2. Create a Poll! I love this strategy as it’s so easy for fans to answer. Ask them to pick from a, b, c, or d. Fans will be interested in finding out other peoples preferences are too!

3. Photo’s! Add interesting photos and videos to your posts and ask your fans to comment on them.

4. Manual Posts! Facebook actually gives better Edge Rank to manual posts, rather than prescheduled posts, in tools such as Hoote Suit. This can be more time consuming throughout the day if you are posting often, but well worth the effort. This is not to say that you should never preschedule, but using a combination of both would be a better strategy for News Feed Optimisation.

>>Sidenote: there was a 5th step, "Hit the Like button"...but thats like high-fiving yourself in public. Only the REALLY Creepily Cool kids got away with that. but Fans are more likely to hit the “like” button if others have already done so.<<

So now what is facebook? It's a playground and the best way to make friends is to make a scene. It's the world we live in. I wonder what world we'll live in next?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

FourSquare: No Longer a Game

What is FourSquare? Well "Four Square" is played with a rubber playground ball on a square court with four players. When the ball is bounced into your square you must then bounce it back out without hitting twice in your own square, otherwise you are out. The object is to eliminate players in higher squares so that you can make it to the 'four square' and score the most points. Well how does that relate to the actual new "FourSquare" check-in social media Application tool? Well, Let say you download the app and you go too "The Apple Store". You would let the geo-tag in the app kick in and then you check into the location on the Device. This gives you points, in which, every week you would try to get more points than your friends by visiting new places constantly...Problem? Everyone would know where you are, but they have privacy settings...I suppose, but only if you arent the company that uses this information to track consumer activity. As an Artist, if I have a show and I check into the event venue in my app, it gives me more than credibility but advertising. This is due to the linking of the app to the Twitter and Facebook client, so I can share my check-ins, badges and Mayorships. There's only one small problem. If you dont have wifi or a Smart phone that has these apps, it really doesnt matter. I've had the app for 1 year now and they've done away with the Point system, which really gave you nothing but braging rights, along with the badges. Badges are given to you by the app if you check-in a place that has over 50+ ofther check-ins there and are "unNecessary" stuff. However. you can become Mayor of a place by having a majority of mutltiple chekings out of others, this does have its perks from free drinks to discounts. But do to the Recent updates to the program, thats the only thing the app is now good for, trying to become mayor. My only problem with FourSquare is that its not a game and they've updated it to where you cant see the points nor can you just have it. It only works on a Mobile device or Smart phone. Which requires you to have a net/data coverage. Times are hard and checking-in is not a priority when there is soo much in the world going on. I dont think this app is going to last longer than Myspace did, but it was fun while it lasted. Or will it stay forever?

Power to the Tweeple

Twitter is like the New Boyfriend of a long lost friend that you just recently met again and you Hate him. Why? Because you dont know him and the more people say "oh I met him, isnt he Great", the more you feel like everyone else is being hoodwinked but You. Sadly enough I was once that person saying "Twitter?! Why, whats wrong with aim? " and "So I can tell everyone I ran out milk, in mid-pour, for my cereal" (dont you hate that though?). Well, I met their "Twit" and now we're best of friends...not as good as others but we get along well. Here's the how I ended up on twitter (in tweet form) : @InFoDaPoet:" I got into a car crash n thought no 1 cared bc no called me, but everyone that kne showed me love when they saw me, bc I had a #hashtag." So my friend created an account for me to see that, The End So for those of you who know twitter, thats a very sad story, my jeep rollout fiasco was a trending topic. For those of you who dont know what a Trending Topic is on Twitter, lets just say that its the most popular hashtag and its almost never really GREAT to be trending like that. Oh, whats a Hashtag? This -> # <- Yes the Pound sign (sharp note for you musicians). When you put that next to any word or statment on twitter, it becomes a hyperlink. This then connects you with others who are also talking about #Pizza, #Cars and #ReasonsImSingle within the last 48 hrs. At which point if enough people in a region or area are talking about #CharleeSheen it then becomes a Trending Topic where you are prompt to check it out on the side panel. Fastforeward, almost 2 years and 20,321 Tweets later. I've met some awesome people, terrible people and Ego's swollen by a follower number so big it make me wonder "all these people cant possible #givaDamn about your bbm club bathroom pics and poor diet habits" but hey, thats the world we live in. So where do Artists fit in? Right in the Middle! I've linked my Twitter to my Facebook page so that all my poetry, notes, pics, events and status updates become tweets that share that content. So even if you tweet very little, your increasing your interactions and following. Another thing is that you dont need to be approved to befriend someone (unless they have a private twitter...pointless/Suspect in my opinion) and vice versa. So back to the boyfriend anology. Imagine that you met them and they had a sister, who was PERFECT for you. They wouldnt seem so bad after all. Which is what a "timeline" is on Twitter. Its all the people who you follow. So your experience will only be as good as the people you choose to interact with, now here is where being a good judge in character comes into to play. But Nothing feeling better than when a Celeb or Public figure is following you, for example. Producer and Artist/Rapper "88-Keys" is following me . Heres a sample of his work. Mind you, we have mutual friends and other artists who are in our circles but its still just as good a feeling. Twitter breaks that wall and lets you connect, if you truly wish to. It makes people aware of the voice they have and dont use...and those who use a voice but got nothing good to say. I say its an Excellent tool for Poets and Writers for self promo and networking. Models and Singers...Tumblr is more for you (just saying) If your none of the above, its still a great innovative step forward in social networking. Just understand that this may turn you into a public figure so try not to get carried away on the details. You'll be surprised what 140 Characters can do. Power to the Tweeple

Friday, March 25, 2011

Downloads vs Live show

Exposure, all artists need it. The digital world has made it very easy to make it into the public spot light using the new applications and websites. The only thing I wonder is if people have become to lazy to actually head out to a live show anymore.

The new wave is downloading. There are so many download sites, I dont even know where to begin, but how do you monitor that. So I joined one downloading website called Reverb Nation.

At this website there has been a ton of upgrades since its first release. They have developed high interactivity between themselves and other social networking websites to get all you ( the artist) into the sight of those you want to know and those who already do. They have an events tab, video tab and picture sections to solely show your packaged work. The feature that I like the most about this site is that they have a "fan exclusive" setting. This means that there is a privacy lock for certain information and downloadable things just for those you state they are your fans.

I think it comes as close to a live show as possible because Reverb Nation gives so much room for you to create a street team online. This means that if you are having a show, the really dedicated fans to support. Plus because they are link to facebook, it shows you how many of your FB friends support that artist. I put the Tab on the side. Please check it out but if you know a better outlet let me and other readers know. But personally, nothing beats the a live show for your InFo.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Life with Google again.

I can't believe I'd be so happy to be using the media MegaGiant Again. After doing the "30 days without Google" experiment I was met with love, hugs and smiles. Friends patting me on the back and new acquaintances all asking me "how is your experiment going?", "Are you done?" and "what's next?". Honestly, I dont know.

I wanted to get rid of my facebook but as an artist thats not the smartest thing. Then it hit me, as an artist using the internet, I should be a whole lot more connected with people using the net. So I decided to see if there were any online poetry blogs, nope. So I looked for a contest. Unfortunately, there is a contest for everything and anything nowadays, how do avoid the scam artists and swagga jacking net thieves. Until my friend and fellow poet Joshua Bennett told me about a online poetry contest on facebook. Now he is uber talented and also a judge for this Ralph Lauren poetry contest but the contest has one quirk. You have to get your friends and your friends friends to vote on you. Now after doing the Google challenge, i knew for a fact that even i knew a lot of people, no body really cares to vote for these things. What is it that I could be doing wrong that no one wants to vote? Finally, something I cant Google answer for. I have votes but going on my artist page and asking for votes only got me 3 lost fans. *tears*

Promoting is hard, more so in our artistic fields like poetry. Is social media a bad way to introduce new work to a new following or is it all a popularity contest? Have we ourselves decided to treat things like a Google search and not see behind the 1st page? Have I become comfortable because I am on the 1st page? As the thoughts fill my head, the only question that remains is "Has the audience because too lazy?"

I refuse to be subjected to empty shows because they think they can youtube a performance or just play the iPod version of the work. There was a time when none of that mattered and now I'm too sure that I am growing a following as quickly online as I do in person. So whats my new plan of action? To see if I can get votes on the this poem in this contest. Please check it out, its called "Passion". oh and for your InFo, I hope you like the new Upgrades I made to the blog.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

30 Days w/o Googling it: THE LAST DAY

When I started this 30 day Challenge. I didn't know it would be all that it was.
It was a Long Hard Journey. I am amazed by have learned alot and am humbled by the experience. Why? Because you never really know what you got til its Gone.

Google is at the forefront of the Technological/Inter-Social-net Revolution. The information this media giant has obtained on people and business is beyond any power seen on Star War. But with great power comes even greater responsibility. Companies have literally painted Dollar Signs on everyone heads with this ability but its up to you as a person to use this rare potential as interest the right way. Or it might Destroy you. Well Lets Sum It Up

Did you know:

- Some companies pay Google to come up in the top 5 searches (More InFo on SEO )
- Its impossible to stay anonymous on the internet due to cross referenced data
- Google and other companies plan for everyone to have a pda/smart phone running a google search engine.
-Google can ping your location in 5 seconds (their satellite is CRAZY)
Not Using Google Taught Me
- To Value Primary Research
- How much I was taking the internet for granted
-I need to prioritize the type information i want ( just bc i can search it doesnt mean i shud)
-How many other places that i can use to pull info from ( Twitter, RSS feeds, Real People)
- that if Google never existed, People would be asking for for info. The least i can do is help them help themselves
-the library will ALWAYS be a SPAM filter
- How much Advertising really rules the world (as an ext. of Media)
What now:

- I am Going to GOOGLE. I cant wait. So many things to google and nothing at all at the same time. I met alot of interesting people. The Problem we have nowadays is FOLLOWING UP. Google is perfect for continuing this poor trait. You dont ReGoogle things that you search to see if its updated. The people and News around us is always going to change from that last glance we had. Nerds and Wealthy shouldnt be the only that knows the real power of being connected and staying Connected.

I have a lot to say but to wrap it up take a look at my last post. The picture I took off the internet for that post is now GONE. it was Ken Jennings from Jeopardy. On his final answer, he wrote on the bottom " I, for one, welcome our new computer overlords". It was a power image given the world we live in and the event that he was taking part in. I used it share with you but now its root link was Deleted. I say that to say this. The someone out there controls everything you know and how you know it. When certain info gets removed its not gone forever but you never know where to get it or for how long you are going to be ass-out without. Dont waste the chance to use this device as a source of good for yourself and those around you.

"Googling is like channel surfing. If you do it long enough, you'll only catch the commercials and no shows. Aint that a waste of Time?"- DK Wright

Should you do this self finding mission for yourself? Idk Google it.
These links may inspire you