Monday, January 31, 2011

30 Day Challenge: DO NOT GOOGLE IT!

Have you ever had a question and asked a friend that didnt know; only to hear the answer "Google it?"

Well, I think that Technology has made us more out of touch with each other. Everyone has become so specialized in what they do that they no longer know any information outside of their fields of interest or hobbies. Do you mean that NO ONE in your circle of contacts know the answer? Why do you feel so comfortable to refer me to google as the "answer to answers"? What were we all doing before search engines gave us perfect selections of 1-liners to enlighten us for 5 seconds? So I've come to a conclusion.

I Will No Longer Google it
(Where did I get the Balls to do that..well)
While speaking with a new friend/blogger that I met on twitter, she told me about various interests and disciplines that she holds herself to. Admirable! I figure this will be the best time to see if I can resist getting answers the easy way. This may be stupid because the semester starts TODAY but hey, Real Research might just get done. And no this isn't a radical attempt for black history month Spirit but it will give me more of an appreciation for those before me who did great things before the digital advancement of

What do I do hope to gain? More Human interactions, More Networking, More Self reliability and the comfort of knowing that if the electricity goes--I wont be completely hopeless, gripping on to dear life, like those BBM'ers who haven't found a case to put their damn phone (no Shots)

So I will continue to Post these Adventures... but feel free to drop any questions or Comments/suggestions that cant help me De-google My life.... and That means that if I have ANY Questions... I will ask a Person, read a Book and avoid any websites that spew info with citing.

Do you think I'll survive?? Google it, sucka

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