This Picture is of a NUDE Pregnant Model.... I love this pic.... Now you probably seen this Pic b4 @ my New Profile at GS poetry as my Eye.n.F.o (InFo) Logo... This pic Speaks to me on a Certain Level of Wisdom that I believe was captured perfectly by the Paint Artist, Photographers, and the Model.
It has even crossed my mind to do modeling after a couple of poetry realted Photo shoots I had to do.
But I have a couple of friends who are models and photograpers that currently give me hook up / incite on this new world. Even this one miss , had asked me
"Do you think i should be a Model?"
"Nah, dont you have a resume out for this other job?"
Now this honestly wasn't the anwser that she wanted, but after we had a Fall out she went and did a shoot... they dont look bad* ( Thanks photoshop) but they dont classy either. Then I saw a couple other people that well, looked like Video Hoes.. srry not Vixens but , Hip-Hop Honeys dont appear in Elle, Marie Claire or even Essense Mag. I was even shocked to find that one of my friends did a Nude shoot with my male friend for her Portfolio... and I knew her since i was 11... ( disturbing b/c it just funny seeing som1 you know til this day ) and after all this I ask....
What exactly are we modeling? I knew these ppl for a while. What are your Motives and Thoughts when you are doing this Ladies.... and Gentlemen... Its A shame to even see the dudes somtimes.... Yes You!!, not the shake drinking, eye-candy, flex'ers ... but the Photographers who jump at the chance to get the craziest shots of hungry, eager, wanna-be's... and then Post um on the the internet.... Seriously? Dont you know Its the WORLD WIDE WEB...
Recently while on the Radio with Writer's Block, I was told BECAREFUL with the Net b/c even if you delete a poem/vid/interview/picture you can never really take it back... Perfect Example----> KANyE<----- He gets his ass handed to him half the time for being real ( YES- Keeping it Real can go Wrong) "after you try to attempt a removal of the Content you can never remove the effect it had on the people who were already exposed to it..." ( response to " the territory of role models")
If you got it flaunt!! Intellect, Wisdom and Being Real
yes we tend to slip up now and then but- a porn looking a shot, eww- "Please Get me a Tissue" ( well some1 sumwhere is is going to say that.. )
Seriously, We have to becareful not to taint our Public image b/c you never know who or how they will stumble across it. Thats why i will become a Model and Run the Race to model more than clothes and a Pretty Face...Imma be a Role Model
Its hard but Someone has to do it. Just remember that if its easy, most of the time it ....probably isnt right... you know the rest...
Im just Surprised by some of the choices ppl my age have made along the way.... Im not judging...okay maybe i am , but still, Class before Pride should always be kept in mind when defining a definition of your life to others... b/c a lil can go a long way
For Example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXFgFYmT9qQ
I like the picture a lot chicas always wanna get naked when they're pregnant LOL.