Now being where I am at right now....this is farther than I ever would of thought writing Poetry would take me... but I remeber that in 07... Kesed and I went down to Harlem after some other event to go support and maybe even perform with Charles for this RAP-a-thon in the Magic Johnson Theater...(can't remember the section but it was the 2nd floor) but it was sponser'd by Hot 97 and Converse... Now Im a poet and i never knew much about charles or any body else from the city b/c i was a uptown kid... so even to be recognized is a blessing , when so many artist around here grew up with each other or went to skool/slams together. and I believe when we got there it was last 12 hours of the Rap-a-thon , b/c it was 24 hrs and had started the previous day .... and it turns out charles has been spitting everything he kne, and anything he could til we had gotten there...and i have to say...that was the last i ever saw of him music wise... ( although we use to chill in the past thru mutual friends )... and then I turned around one day and saw him on the cover of..XXL....ROFL.... now as a Poet i have met many hot poets and rappers but the line between them was very clear.... charles was never a poet put he did rap here and there with a few other ppl i kne. so I WAS BLOWN away when i saw, my peer on the Paper... and I got so happy for him... but thats as far as it went...i then asked around b.c i was in shock... I hit up acouple of my DJ pplz @ WccR radio and DJ Blanco Nino told me " He is a ok rapper, but he put out this Sick sega/sonic mixtape and it was dopeness..." so now im feeling played bc I do know charles is a hustla and goes hard but i trust that he did earn it.... and i never payed attention to the other ppl on the cover....( Wale, B.o.B, charles, and Asher Roth)...Pause!.... who is this white... I was hella busy with school to look him up but i did do it.... and Asher SICK...This Kid right here got it....and its Poetical, Politically and Original... so if he is dope and on the cover....charles gotta be on the same lv as him...( bad fam trait we make needless comparisons) But I threw charles name in the Youtube and I started playing my boy...
and thought " I cant believe we coming up" he is No ASHER.... he is Charles Hamilton...and i have to say ppl got on me when i 1st got on the poerty scene for being a funny poet but... Charles is funny.. on the mix online he has a track called Lacey Duvalle... <
I learned alottoday,... even came to blogspot...I know i'm late but it looks like we are growing up in different ways...
Define yourself
Check out my boy Charles Hamiltion " Brooklyn Girls"
and Asher Roth- " a Mille ReMix" plz believe
PS Charles... You Got MaD POET FRIENDS/ FAM..... I waiting for the I.Q. to jump in HipHop
and shout out to my boy Mickey Factz, DJ ME ( your Next) DJ Scoop... and Skribblez&DarkRose
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